Christmas favours for children — token gift ideas

Emma T
2 min readDec 16, 2023

Christmas can get a bit ridiculous for buying gifts for everyone, especially when families get larger, or if you end up buying for lots of friends’ children. One solution is to organise a secret santa with family or group of friends, where you all buy for one person rather than everyone. Usually with a price limit so it would tend to be one better quality gift than lots of cheaper ones. The alternative if you’ve got visitors staying over the holidays is to do Christmas party favours, especially for children.

Once we’d left home and therefore our mum no longer did stockings for us, she decided to change it to Christmas tree gifts. This was often just little things like gloves or skincare, small useful but thoughtful gifts, token gifts as an after dinner gift giving. It was lovely to have, and by doing little Christmas favours, this can potentially replace giving larger gifts.

Think like birthday party bags, but rather than tat, opt for useful or fun items. If you want your Christmas gathering to last longer and children are flagging, these might give you some extra entertainment to keep them going a bit.

christmas favours for children

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I’ve also got ideas for Christmas favours for adults

Christmas favour ideas for children

Christmas themed squishies — children of all ages love these. Whether they’re the mini rubbery stress relieving type of squishy or the plushies. Even my 11 year old boy thinks they’re sweet.

Sticker books — you can’t beat a sticker book for entertainment value. Opt for themed or just a mishmash.

Christmas wordsearch/crossword books or any other puzzle books.

Christmas colouring pad and glitter gel pens — not just for pre-schoolers, just choose the colouring book suitable for the child’s age.

Christmas charm bracelet kit — anything crafts based is always good, and you can’t beat charm bracelets. Or you can even make up your own friendship bracelet kids. Alternatively go for the easier option of a silicon band.

Christmas book — there’s always new books out each year on a Christmas theme, or why not go for a classic book.

Party headbands on a Christmas theme — get everyone wearing one, not just the kids.

Christmas sequin mini plush toys — we love these mini toys, and I’d argue, not just for little ones. There’s such a variation to choose from as well.

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Emma T

Mum of one, farmer’s wife and project manager. Blogging, photographing and dancing my way through life